I'm just back from Portland and OOPSLA 2006, where I had a very good time. Here are a few comments:

It was (as always) great fun to work with Niclas. We had a hands-on tutorial about TDD and the participants chose between Java and .NET.

This was the first conference where I used my Mac laptop and I'm starting to grow very fond of it. I was told I would become popular if I had a Mac so I basically had no other choice but to go out and buy one...


Maybe I have become anti-new stuff, I don't know, but the best presentations/tutorials/demonstrations I saw were given by old friends about somewhat familiar (although still VERY new) topics:

  • Charles Simonyi on their Intentional Programming.
  • Eric Evans' DDD-tutorial with the sub-heading "Putting the Model to Work". I especially liked the part about focusing more energy on the Value Objects as opposed to what is common.
  • Erik Meijer demonstrating LINQ with his extreme energy level.

Oh, and as always the best part was meeting old and new friends, but enough namedropping for today.
