At the risk of being like a gossip magazine, I'd like to share a few thoughts about Microsoft and dynamic languages.

  • Erik Meijer has been pushing VB9 as a great dynamic language for quite some time.
  • Microsoft released IronPython a few weeks ago. There's been hardly any commotion about it, not even from MS itself. I'm very surprised about this since I consider it to be one of the most interesting releases from them for quite some time. Or is it that I'm just not listening hard enough?
  • Microsoft has recently hired John Lam and is up to something in (or close to) the Ruby-arena, I guess. (I have other reasons to believe this as well, but let's not get into that right now.)
  • Oh, BTW, Sun recently hired the JRuby-guys...

Does all this imply that dynamic languages and/or Ruby will be mainstream "soon" or what? Time will tell.