OK, I'm sure you are as tired as I am of all the 2.0 stuff. But now that my new book (ADDDP) is done and after I've paid some extra attention to my customers for a while, I expect to find some time for pet projects again. One of these will be catching up on different general languages (I have other plans as well of course, but I'll return to these later).

I have started to play a bit with Ruby (as does pretty much everyone nowadays, I guess). I'm very keen on it so far.

I have also started to read up a little on Haskell. I'll be attending Erik Meijer's tutorial about Haskell and LINQ in Karlskrona in a few weeks and I have to prepare myself a bit, of course. I guess Haskell will become far more widely known now that LINQ is getting mainstream.

I also hope to get started on Lisp...

Will this turn me into 2.0? Nah... I haven't left the alpha stage yet so that would be too big a leap to hope for. Perhaps I can get to Jimmy 0.2 some time in the future...?

To increase the chances of that happening, here's a plea to the universities in Sweden. Do any of you have distance courses in Haskell, Ruby and Lisp? Oh, and perhaps Python also? I bet I'm not the only one wanting to improve my language knowledge these days. (I understand that these might not be the most interesting courses for the universities to run, but I'm sure a lot of good would come out of them.)