Cornerstone and Patrik Löwendahl have arranged a follow up to last year's NorDev conference, called Developer Summit 2006. It was pretty big last year, but judging from the list of speakers and the agenda you can see that they are increasing their efforts quite a lot this year.

On day one I'm going to be giving two presentations on the Methods & Patterns track. In the first presentation I will discuss and apply different patterns on common design problems.

For the second presentation I will be pair-programming and pair-presenting with Erik Dörnenburg from Thoughtworks as we did last year, which was great fun. This was probably because our TDD-session was very practical and we started from zero expectations so to speak. And since the organizer explicitly asked us to do something together again this year, I guess that to some extent we succeeded in showing that there is some substance in TDD etc.


We will kind of be continuing from where we ended last year, although it will be a standalone session. It is called "TDD, take two", with a lot of focus on Interaction-based TDD and Dependency Injection from a development perspective.