Creating good example code is hard
It's hard to come up with good example code in documentation, something I plead guilty to in my own writing. Another example, which I guess lots can identify with, is the docume...DevSummit 2007
The conference landscape of Sweden was like a desert just a few years ago. Now, it's the opposite! All of a sudden, people are coming from all over the world to attend the Swedi...Catalysts for agility
A wise friend recently pointed out a difference in perfectionism levels before and after kids. When you have kids, you're just happy if everything sort of works out at all. Gett...Clipper story
Not that long ago I was driving to a meeting in a hurry, when the cell phone rang. The voice on the other end met the “stressed-Jimmy-who-isn't-very-fond-of-salesmen” asking if ...Linq is love?
Is it time to focus on Linq? I was planning to do so, but I kind of stumbled a bit, especially when I hit the Entity Framework...Charles in space
Here in Sweden, Christer Fuglesang recently gained lots of publicity for being the first Swedish guy in space. Right now Charles Simonyi is getting almost as much publicity over...