The local business village is called Soft Center. I've been around here for the last 20 years, in fact, ever since it started. In the beginning, only IT companies were allowed, but nowadays it's totally different; only a few of the companies are in IT. Sure, some of them are very interesting from an IT perspective (such as UiQ), but there are still not that many. What's more, in two years' time the university is moving to another town, for reasons of consolidation. Is this the death of the business village? Well, I think not.

You can't just sit there and wait for someone to do something. You have to try something on your own, of course... as tiny as it may be, it's a start at least. And if everybody does the same thing, i.e. try something out, the problem is more or less solved.

We (I and two friends) started to host informal lunch events, which was an extremely simple thing to do, and at the first meeting we not only had a good time, we also started collaborating on a few projects! This was mind blowing, in my opinion.

Now we have an rss feed where we announce small get-togethers, such as the next pub visit (which is tomorrow by the way). And our next step? We'll see. Ideas are very welcome of course!