At a fun lunch-time chat the other day, we collectively decided that the friction has to go somewhere in a project. Assume that for some reasons there is friction between the architects and the developers. That could be solved by letting the architects implement and the developers have a simple, open and direct channel for feedback, say. What happens? Perhaps the friction moves somewhere else, possibly between the new real team of developers and architects and the project managers. How should it be solved? Perhaps to really add the project managers to the team, so the friction moves between project managers and product owners. The solution? You guessed it. Now the friction is between customers and product owners... and you can probably find a solution to that as well...

OK, what happens now? We might have a very big team which means friction as well... So we decide to split it and we have some friction between the teams...

So, there seems to be no perfect solution.

But perhaps we can make an educated decision about where we WANT to have the friction (or rather, where it hurts the least).