Som Daniel Melin skrev här så håller jag med om att det är märkligt tyst om EU-förordningen “digital operativ motståndskraft för finanssektorn” (DORA). Finansiella organisationer av samhällsviktig karaktär som inte uppfyller kraven när 2025 börjar riskerar att få dryga böter och de ansvariga för ...Surprise-Driven Sharing (SDS)
The other day I experienced a very distinct surprise. Picture a situation where you’ve had an internalized understanding for a long time and are convinced that everybody shares this way of thinking. Then, out of the blue, you find out that a person you respect has a completely different point of ...Not cornerstones; it’s a stack
Ever since the start of factor10, I have considered Extreme Programming (XP) to be one of our cornerstones. So, as part of the onboarding for newcomers, we thought it would be fun to have a book circle about Kent Beck's “Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (second edition)”. Everyone el...
All postsSurprise-Driven Sharing, yet again
In the second part of “Surprise-Driven Sharing (SDS)” I wrote about how surprising I find it when people say things like “Once we finish this final feature, we are done!” when talking about custom-...Surprise-Driven Sharing, again
The other day, I started a small series of texts about having a strong and internalized viewpoint about something you’ve spent your whole work life on, and suddenly noticing that some people you me...Welcome to my new old website!
It was sooo overdue! I think it’s reasonable to modernize websites every 20 years. I failed at that. My old website had looked the same since I started blogging in 2003 and, truth be told, it wasn...Epic relearning
Over the years I have learned that I’m wrong on a daily basis. I have also learned that instead of it being something to be ashamed of, it’s actually something to smile about, learn from and then t...Shoemaker’s children and their websites
Let’s assume that you sometimes help companies with strong global brands have a decent technical web presence. What would you consider, from a tech hygiene perspective, when updating your own littl...Miljöhävstång, ett första tidigt bokslut
Då ska vi se, jag har skrivit ett par texter tidigare med förslag till hävstångseffekt för miljö: Miljöhävstång Miljöhävstång, fler förslag Idag tänkte jag dela med mig av vad vi (factor10) har gjo...